I appoligize if the script is not all spelled correctly. Try to make due with what you have :). I also suggest printing it out, its easier to know your lines.
*Kaun enters*
Kaun: Greetings, aislings. My name is Kaun, and I am a traveling bard. I have been to each and every town, throughout all of Temuair. In my travels, I have heard many stories of Temuair. Some of powerful kings and nobles, and some of long bloody wars. Stories of love, and stories of sadness.
Now, you have all probably heard of the war between Dannan and Chadul. In this long war, Dannan was successful in suppressing Chaduls dark grip over Temuair. Many think that was the end of the conflict, but those who think this are far from the truth.
This is a tale of two powerful warriors. One who sided with the light, and one with the dark…
*Villagers (Dressed in Peasent clothing) Come on the stage and Riot*
*Tenes then enters, walks from the back of the stage to the center, and stands in the center of the townspeople*
Male Villager 1: It is only a matter of time before those reckless soldiers will bring their fight into our town! We cann’t remain here. We must leave immediately!
Female Villager 1: But where will we go? They have the entrance of town blocked off. There is nowhere to run.
Male Villager 2: My daughter is ill, and in bed. I can’t leave her here to be slaughtered!
Male Villager 1: Then stay, and be killed! I’m not going to wait here for a reluctant fool like you!
Female Villager 2: We must flee, now, all of us! If we want to live, there is no other choice.
Male Villager 3: We mustn’t panic. If we do, then we will be more vulnerable.
Female Villager 3: How I wish we could go back to the days of Hy-Brasyl. Then there would be no more fighting…
All but Tenes: …..
Kaun (in shouts): The Rucsesion forces, and the Loures forces were in the middle of a conflict. The Loures government was filled with careless officials who cared about nothing but filling their pockets with gold. Rucesion was out to change the Loures government’s ways. The Rucesion troops had sent out to take Piet as a town for Re-grouping, and staging attacks from. Loures had sent out men to defend their land, though they had only a small number of soldiers sent out to reclaim the town.
Tenes: What if I told you I could bring you back to Hy-Brasyl?
*All Towns people but male #1 act skeptical*
Male Villager 3: *laughs* Dorch, how to you plan to do that!? You as well as I know that Hy-Brasyl was destroyed! Why should we follow you? You have no way of convincing us.
Tenes: I have had enough of this fighting. I will 'not' allow our city to fall to Disgrace. I swear to all you of Piet, and Temuair, follow me, and I will lead you to Hy-Brasyl!
Female Villager 3: We have nothing left to loose… If you speak the truth and we do not come, we will die. If you are wrong and, we come we die. If we stay here, we die. If you speak the truth and we come…
Female Villager 3: *pause* I will follow…
All other villagers but Male 3: *nod*
Male Villager 3: Bah! Fools! I won’t believe in such tales. Go ahead, Greet death head on… Worthless fools…
Male Villager 3: A foolish thoughts... *Pause* Fools!
*Loures Soldiers Enter*
Loures Captain: We have come to protect you!
*Rucesion captain enters*
*All villagers Panic*
Rucesion Captain: Go into town! Kill everyone and everything you find!
*All Rucesion soldiers walk on stage and begin fighting*
*Loures soldiers come on stage*
Loures Captain: Don’t let them get to the town! Attack! Show no mercy!
*2 sides begin to battle, and Male Villager #3 runs in*
Male Villager #3: Leave our town in peace! We have nothing of value to you!
*2 Rucesion soilders confront the villager*
*Male Villager 3 Runs off stage*
*Tenes enters*
Tenes: *speaks in a devilish, inhuman voice* Worthless mortals…. DIE!
Tenes: *raises his hands and chants*
All soldiers: *Diffrent screams*(Example: Oh My god, Help me, NO, Oh boy, ect)
*All Walk off stage as Kaun(Below) continues*
Kaun: To this day, no one knows how Tenes defeated all of the battling soilders, but they don’t seem to care. After Tenes did so, he was declared as the one who would bring all men back to the days of Hy-Brasyl. Dorch Tenes lead the simple townsfolk of Piet against the Rucesion forces, and though their numbers were small, something magical held the charisma of Tenes. The battle is considered a mystery to this day, but there was no time to consider these things. In two years, Danaan 2421, The bards would sing of Tenes’ rise to power.
It was between Danaan 2419 - 2421 that Tenes began to slowly change. It was in this time that he gained the reputation that is often heard of in his legends, the man of unstoppable ambition, and the power monger, the one of the 'firm grip'. In this time, Tenes became to be praised by the people. The songs of the bards spoke of the savior of Temuair, 'The one that would return us to Hy-Brasyl.' Dorch helped to unite Loures and Rucesion, dispite their hatred. But when it was clear that no other kingdoms would join, he begain to change again...
*Tenes and another lord of the rucesion kingdom walks on stage (middle)*
Lord: Yes M'lord, they seem to not take well to your idea... What plans do you have for the future?
Tenes: I...Don't know what to do anymore! I have a chance, there is one way we can still bring peace to our land -- but at what cost? (Pause) I will make the deal, Please forgive me my friend."
*Tenes and Lord Walk off Stage*
Kaun: And thus, Tenes 'Period of Madness' begain. Little is known as to what happened to tenes at that time, It is said a dark ominous cloud that was prophesied by wise men, slowly bellowed from the northern sea, blanketing the land of Temuair. The wise men spoke of prophecy concerning a 'Dark Star' and how all other stars would hide in fear during its coming. During this shadow of the prophecy, Tenes disappeared from the public. It was not until the spring of Danaan 2420, that Tenes broke his confinement and confronted the people of his land. He had a grave anouncement...
*Female Villager 2 is sitting in the middle left of the stage when Female Villager 3 comes to meet her from off stage*
Female Villager 2: Hello there *Name*!
Female Villager 3: Hey! So what good secrets have you heard? I need to catch up on my gossip!
Female Villager 2: Not much, just the same old. Really I came out here to sit by this dirt road and wait for the town crier. I heard he had important news.
Female Villager 3: Like what?
Female Villager 2: I have no idea, but the prophets speak of the dark star once more.
Female Villager 3: Oh my...! Maybe I will wait around a bit.
*Waits about 15 secs and the town crier appers on center top of stage, slowly walking down towards the bottom center Yelling news (shift !)*
Town Crier!: Lord Tenes the Great Anounces Marriage to Lady Dubhreal!
*Town crier yells this 4 times, once when he first enters (Top center) once when he is at the bottom center, again on his way back to top center and once more before he exits stage*
*Female Villager 2 is stunned (ctrl 5)*
*Female Villager 3 smiles*
Female Villager 3: Well isnt that nice
Female Villager 2: Oh my... oh no...
Female Villager 3: What is wrong?
Female Villager 2: You... do know what... Lady Dubhreal... means, aye?
Female Villager 3: Dubhreal.. No M'lady, but I do believe it would be best if you came in out of the sun.
Female Villager 2: No..
*Slashes at Female Villager 3*
Female Villager 3: Oh dear, I see that look in your eye, what does it mean?
Female Villager 2: Dark star!
*Female Villager 3 Stunned look*
Female Villager 3: We must tell the others!
*Female Villager 2 & 3 run off stage*
*While Kaun (Which moves to the front center of the stage) speaks the words below, a Preist, Tenes and Lady Dubhreal come on to the stage in the center, as this is to the the wedding secene (Yes Tux and Wedding dress or something that fits them). The Rest of the cast(Except for the two guards (Guards 1 and 2) that will walk on stage later in this secene) divides in half and goto the right, left and back center to circle the marrage. NOTE: This must be done fast*
Kaun: Yet, upon announcing this, the clouds began to fade from the sky, brightening the land, and all rejoiced in Lady Dubhreal and Lord Tenes' marriage.
*Tenes and Lady Dubhreal walk up the aisle*
Preist: Do you, Lady Dubhreal take Lord Tenes the great to be your husband, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?
Lady Dubhreal: I do.
Preist: Do you, Lord Tenes take Lady Dubhreal to be your wife, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?
Tenes: I do.
Preist: And to all, if there is anyone now, who believes these two should not be brought together, let him speak now, or forever hold your peace.
Male Villager 3: I speak! While Tenes has saved this kingdom and has built it greater, he is unfit to be a king! You have gone mad! Lady Dubhreal, do not choose him, choose me!
Tenes!: *Yells* Guards, siese hime!
*Guards one and two march on stage*
Guard 1!: *Yells* There he is!
Guard 2!: *Yells* Get Him!
*Both guards run up and slash Male Villager 3 for about a minute, and then escort him off the stage*
Preist: Refreshments anyone?
*All cast walk off stage*
Kaun: That was not the first attempt that was made to try to gain access in to Lady Dubhreals heart. All men were said to of loved her. Lady Dubhreal, from all recollection, was said to be a gentle, sensuous beauty.
Her ebony tresses curled about her slim hips, complimenting her pale skin. All men that saw her came to love her beauty, as no one was said to be more beautiful. From the wedding on, Bards sang wonderful songs and all were happy. Yet this happiness was not to last long. Not even a moon after they were wed, another horrible message spread through the town criers lips into the ears of many. Tenes anounced that he was declaring war on the six other kingdoms of temuair. The Prophies had come true, there was a dark star on the horizen.
*Long pause*
Now after a year and a half, the wars ended and Tenes controled all the 10 of the kingdoms. Although he had lived up to his name, and united all of Hy-Brasyl, the long and tence wars had decayed him. He was no longer a man, just a body, a shell. Now that he had all of the world, he no long fought for restoration, but for power. With this power hungry leader came enemies, and with enemies came fear. It is said that fear was Tenes greatest ally, but was it really his greatest fear...?
*Kaun walks of stage*
*Workers walk on stage (Dressed in Peasent clothing). Line up in a line in the middle of the stage across and begin slashing. Two guards stand be hind them walking across the stage, back and fourth.*
Male Villager 3: Why do we have to do this load of crock?
Male Villager 1: Hush up, I have been working her 14 bloody years! You have just be sent here because of some act of foolishness, I was caught stealing. Got one of my eyes burn out to I did! Be happy, youe fourtunate!
*Male Villager 3 is shocked (ctrl 5)*
Male Villager 3: Oh my glioca. To see myself in here for the rest of my life, working for the king and his many minons.
Male Villager 1: Relax, you have it alot easier than I do, the castle is almost done. Come this spring, they will release you, kill you, or find more work for you. Either way, I dont believe there is anything worse that chipping and towing rock all day. So Boring...
*Guard one looks at Male Villager 1 and yells*
Gaurd 1!: Queit, or you will be whiped!
Guard 2: Peasent scum
Guard 1: Hah...
*Guards go back to patroling back and fourth*
Male Villager 1: *Whispers* and believe me, the meals couldnt get any worse, just wait, the gods will look down upon us.
Male Villager 3: I hope your right.... oh deary, I hope your right.
*All exit stage as Kaun comes back on*
Kaun: Hiding behind his fear, he constucted the great castle which now stands in Loures. After the completion of his castle in the spring, he proceeded into his next phase. The League of Darkness. At the time that he was putting this together, 5 of the 6 kingdoms decided to join him. The only remaining kingdom, who did not wish to comply, was that of Rucesion. The current Lord of Rucesion had refused to join the 'League of Darkness' that
Lord Tenes was constructing. It seemed like a foolish venture, he had already sworn loyalty, and did not wish to partake of anything that symbolized 'darkness'. Later in the summer of that year, Lady Dubhreal, wife of Lord Tenes came to Rucesion on business of the state. Though the legends of her power scared children at their bedside, upon seeing her all shivers left the body to be replaced simply by adoration and love for such a beautiful women.
*Breif pause*
Rucesion, know as the Kingdom of Magic, had a strange occurance as the Lovely Lady Dubhreal docked in port. Still to this day no scholar can explain it, and some believe the 'Dark Star" was behind this loss, yet the magic left the kingdom. Months had gone by and the magical energy of Rucesion had yet to return. This was a unbelievable loss for Rucesion. Rumors spread wildly about the Lady Dubhreal, and how she was half, dubhaimid. It was not long before the Lord of Rucesion heard these rumors and he could no longer stand it. He called for a meeting with the wife of Tenes who
still was residing in Rucesion on, 'business'. His mind was set -- he was going to command her to leave his city.
*Kaun Walks off stage*
*Lady Dubhreal comes to the center of stage and faces audenice. Then, Lord of Rucesion (Lord) walks on stage with 2 guards at his side. The walk around Debhreal as the Lord of Rucesion comes face to face with her. Both guards are on either side of him, all three stunned at the look of her beauty.*
Lady Dubhreal: Hello, You summoned me M'lord?
*Lord studders as he is amased by her beauty*
Lord: Hel.. hello, yes. The citizens of Rucesion would.. Your so Beau...
Lady Dubhreal: Excuse me?
Lord: Oh my! I am sorry, stared off for a minute...
Lady Dubhreal: Aye, that you did!
Lord: Yes, well M'lady, the Citizens of Rucesion would LIKE for you to humbly leave the city...
Lady Dubhreal: Yes, well I will I believe your right, all my business here is done... Is that all?
Lord: Yes M'lady, thank you so gracously for your time.
*Lady Dubhreal Walks off stage*
Guard 1: Have you ever seen such a wonderful looking person?
Guard 2: Oh my glioc...
Lord!: Do you want to get banished! Speak nothing of what happened her today!
*Lord walks off stage*
Guard 1: I would have to say, I have never seen a woman like that?
Guard 2: Hehe, Well shes Lord Dorch's, so you cant have her!
Guard 1: *Laughs* I spouse your right...
Guard 2: Haha I see your mesmorized! Back to work, dreamer!
*Guard 1 turns and hits guard 2*
Guard 1: *Smirk* Yes, back to work.
*Guards walk off stage as Kaun re enters*
Kaun: He could not command her to leave! Like all others who had seen her, he could only find it in himself to stare upon her in stupor.
By the time she had left his office, she had agreed to leave the city, and the magical energy of Rucesion again returned. It was also this time that the Lord of Rucesion entered the folds of the League of Darkness. The Dark Star had made her trade.
All of the six lords have different stories, and I can easily say that two of the six agreed without hesitation, for their hearts already belonged to Chadul. But it did not matter, for all that joined the League became followers of Chadul, in the end. It was soon after the formation of the League that a pact was made. The final step for the members of the League of Darkness was at hand. Lord Tenes had almost all that he wanted. He had the world and the power to control the people of the land. He had his own walled city, and the powerful lords to protect him in his cause.
Lord Tenes had everything he could ever desire. Everything…except his youth. The year was now Danaan 2468, and he was well into his 77th year of life. Doctors of Loures often saw him, as his body was beginning to decay with age. His hopes of his continual rule were quickly draining from his body. Many nights did Tenes pray to Chadul to preserve his body, and not to take his soul, and after many nights, Chadul did finally answer....
*Kaun walks off stage*
*Tenes walks on stage*
Tenes: Dear Chadul, M'lord, I am growing fraile and small. My time has almost come to depart from this land, yet I still have greater ambishions. Please great sir, I beg of you, help me live many more years, and with your will, I will acomplish greater things in your name. I beg of you, I will do anything...
*Chadul enters from the back of the stage*
Chadul: (Chaduls parts Are typed in Cap locks) ANYTHING?
*Tenes is shocked (Ctrl 5) and turns to face Chadul*
Tenes: M'lord!..... Yes anything!
Chadul: I have the power to do a great many things, and you have offered something that may be hard to give. What would...
*Tenes cuts Chadul off*
Tenes: Lord I am a man of my word
Chadul: Yes and I have a proposition for you, if you would let me finish.
Tenes: Yes M'lord, please continue.
Chadul: If your word is truely your bond, then I am willing to offer you Deoches and Deoches of life everlasting.
Tenes: What would this require.
Chadul: Trust is all I ask, for if you betray me, I will suck the life from your body.
Tenes: *Shocked* Yes, I understand! What must I do to enter into this agreement?
Chadul: Do? Why nothing, all I ask is that you make it official. Please bring yourself and your league to Pravat tomorrow....
Tenes: Why M'lord, what is it?
Chadul: Must you ask questions? I am calling this the Pact of Anaman, inwhich I give you life everlasting, for your.....*Pause* Servaces.....
Tenes: Then I shall be there!
Chadul: Good, now come my child, we have some planing to do...... Muhahaha...
*Tenes and Chadul both walk off stage*
Kaun: Tenes did not need to be told twice, for the next morning, the monster Anaman, Tenes and the rest of the League met in private to sign the Pact of Anaman. All the league in their power-hungry state of being agreed to the pact, and thus they gained the life span of 1000 years. Little did they know, that there was a bit of small print on the bottom of the parchment they signed. Although the Pact of Anaman gave them 1000 years to live, and gave their souls the ability to escape the grasp of Chadul, it came at a price. It caused the loss of their freedom. As long as the Lord's souls felt life, Chadul would forever own them.